Few have been so successful in interrogating and furthering the intersection between electronic music, visual art, technology and science in the past decade as Max Cooper.  Collaborating with multi-disciplinary artists, and institutions like the Barbican, Zaha Hadid Architects and Dolby Atmos, Cooper has developed a mixed-media approach to the creation of immersive light installations, psycho acoustics, surround visuals, and electronic music. Synthesizing his interests and presenting it in an accessible way that defies conventional format, Cooper explores concepts of emergence, identity and infinity to create an immersion of sound, vision and concept that can totally remove you from your normal experience of reality and put you somewhere new. At the core, Max Cooper’s mission as a musician, a DJ and an interdisciplinary artist is all about provoking a greater understanding.


17 Jun 2021
Illust Space is proud to present Ghosting, a traveling NFT art exhibition that combines new digital mediums and augmented reality to create a one of a kind show in a world we can see, but not touch. July 3rd – September 22nd